How to Thicken Store Bought Jam: Tips and Tricks

How to Thicken Store Bought Jam: Tips and Tricks

Are you frustrated with your store-bought jam being too runny? Are you tired of it leaking through your cakes and ruining your presentation?

Well, fear not, because we have the solution for you! So, let’s dive in and learn how to thicken that pesky jam!

How to Thicken Store Bought Jam?

Gelatin mix, cornstarch, pectin, or xanthan gum can all be used to thicken the jam. For a more organic option, chia seeds or lemon peels can also do the trick.

  • To thicken with gelatin mix, simply sprinkle it over the jam and stir until it dissolves.
  • For cornstarch, mix it with water before adding it to the jam and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Pectin and xanthan gum can be added directly to the jam and stirred until they dissolve.
  • Chia seeds or lemon peels can be added to the jam and left to sit for a few hours until they thicken the mixture.

Experiment with different thickeners to find the one that works best for you. Remember to follow the necessary dos and don’ts and enjoy your perfectly thickened jam!

Various Uses of Store-Bought Jam

Jam is a versatile food item that can be used in numerous ways.

Thick jam, in particular, has a lot of uses that can take your food game to the next level. Here are some of the various uses of thick jam that you might want to try out:

As a Flavor Enhancer

Thick jam can be used as a flavor enhancer in various dishes. It adds a sweet and fruity taste to baked goods like pies, cakes, and muffins.

You can also add it to your oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothie bowls to give them a unique flavor.

As a Spoonful of Goodness

Thick jam can be eaten on its own as a spoonful of goodness. It’s a quick and easy snack that satisfies your sweet cravings.

You can also pair it with cheese, crackers, or bread for a delicious snack.

As a Filling or Spread

Thick jam is perfect as a filling or spread in sandwiches, rolls, and toast. It adds a burst of flavor and texture to your food.

You can also mix it with cream cheese or peanut butter for a more indulgent taste.

As a Source of Fiber

Thick jam is a good source of fiber. It helps regulate digestion and keeps you full for longer.

You can add it to your smoothies or yogurt bowls for an extra boost of fiber.

Overall, thick jam is a versatile food item that can be used in various ways. It adds flavor, texture, and nutrition to your food.

Whether you’re using it as a flavor enhancer, a spoonful of goodness, a filling or spread, or a source of fiber, thick jam is a must-have in your pantry.

Methods to Thicken Your Store-Bought Jam

If you’ve ever purchased store-bought jam only to find that it’s too runny for your liking, don’t worry!

There are several methods you can use to thicken your jam and achieve the perfect consistency. We’ll explore some of the most popular methods for thickening jam, including applying heat, mixing gelatin, using pectin, mixing cornstarch, adding xanthan gum, and cooking in a low oven.

Applying Heat

One of the simplest ways to thicken your jam is by applying heat.

When jam is runny, it’s typically because it has a higher water content.

By cooking it for longer, the extra water will evaporate, resulting in a thicker consistency. This method works well for both jam and puree-type foods.

Mixing Gelatin

Gelatin is a common protein substance used to make jams and jellies. It acts as a combining agent, helping to thicken the mixture.

To use gelatin, you’ll need to prepare hot water and mix the gelatin into it. Then, gently pour the mixture over your jam and mix as you pour.

Keep in mind that gelatin is temperature sensitive, so use it carefully to avoid over-thickening your jam.

Using Pectin

Pectin is a polysaccharide starch found in most vegetable and fruit cell walls. It’s an excellent alternative to gelatin for vegetarians.

When using pectin, it’s important to maintain the right balance of sugar, acid, and pectin to achieve the desired consistency.

Sweeter fruits have a higher sugar content, so less sugar is required when using pectin with these fruits.

If you prefer to avoid using chemical pectin, you can use a natural substitute, such as lemon peels.

However, keep in mind that you’ll need to use more sugar to offset the bitterness of the lemon.

Mixing Cornstarch

Cornstarch is another vegetarian alternative to gelatin.

To use cornstarch, mix two tablespoons of cornstarch with four tablespoons of water until it’s clear.

Then, add the mixture to your jam and mix well. Maintain a steady temperature and mixing throughout the process to avoid lumps.

Here are some of our go-to choices for cornstarch:


Adding Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum is a chemical thickener that works similarly to cornstarch. It doesn’t require heating and can be found at any store.

If you prefer to avoid chemicals, you can use chia seeds instead. Chia seeds have a thickening effect and can store up to four times their mass in water.

Cooking In Low Oven

If you prefer not to add anything extra to your jam, you can try cooking it in a low oven. Simply pour your jam onto a baking tray and set it in the oven at a low heat.

Let it stay in the oven until enough water is removed to achieve the desired thickness.

Avoid using Yeti in the microwave if you’ve stored jam in it, as Yeti containers are typically made of stainless steel.

With these methods, you can easily thicken your store-bought jam to achieve the perfect consistency. Try them out and see which method works best for you!

Things To Look Out For

When it comes to thickening your jam, there are several things that you should keep in mind to avoid any mishaps.

We have compiled a list of pointers that you can follow to make your jam thicker and better.

If you are a vegetarian, you must avoid gelatin as it is made from animal products. While buying jam, check the label to see if the company has used gelatin or not. Most companies use gelatin, but there are alternatives available in the market.

Pectin is a plant-based alternative to gelatin. However, you must measure the amount of acidity and sweetness of your jam before using pectin. An unbalanced mixture of pectin, acid, and sugar will not thicken your jam properly.

If your jam is already too sweet, you don’t have to add extra sugar. But normally, pectin requires extra sugar to be added.

Cornstarch is another alternative to thicken your jam. However, it is sensitive to heat.

If you accidentally heat up the cornstarch too much, it’ll get lumpy and will not mix properly with your jam. To thicken your jam properly with cornstarch, you have to get the heating just right.

If you want to use something other than chemicals, chia seeds and lemon peels are good options.

Lemon peels have natural pectin in them, which will thicken your jam. However, while using lemon peels, you must add extra sugar to balance it out.

If your jam has been in the fridge for a long time, it may become watery. Similar to pudding that is watery, leave your jam can outside for a while and shake it before using it.

By following these pointers, you can make your jam thicker and better. We hope that these tips will make your life easier and your jam more delicious!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does canned jam last?

Canned jam can last up to a year if stored properly. Once opened, it can last for 2-3 months in the refrigerator. It is important to check for signs of spoilage such as mold or off odor before consuming.

Can you turn jam into jelly?

Yes, you can turn jam into jelly by cooking it for a longer period of time until most of the water is vaporized. This will result in a thicker consistency similar to jelly.

Is sugar used for preserving?

Yes, sugar is a natural preservative due to its high carbohydrate content. It is commonly used in both domestic and commercial food preservation. However, it is important to note that excessive sugar consumption can have negative health effects.


We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights on how to thicken store bought jam.

Remember, each option will yield different results, so don’t be afraid to experiment and unleash your inner chef.

We encourage you to try out these techniques and enjoy the delicious results.

Happy jam-making!

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