How to Soften Split Peas: Tips and Tricks

How to Soften Split Peas: Tips and Tricks

Are you tired of cooking split pea soup only to have the peas turn out hard and unappetizing? We understand how frustrating that can be. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to soften split peas and ensure your soup turns out perfectly every time.

How to Soften Split Peas?

Here are some tips to help you soften split peas:

  • Use fresh split peas for optimal results.
  • Soak the split peas in water for a few hours before cooking to help soften them.
  • Add a pinch of baking soda while cooking to help soften the split peas.
  • Use filtered water instead of hard water to avoid any interference with the cooking process.
  • Cook the split peas for a longer period to ensure they are fully softened.

When cooking green split peas, they will take longer to soften than yellow split peas.

The cooking time can range from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes depending on the type of split pea and the desired texture.

To ensure you don’t overcook or undercook the split peas, set a timer and keep an eye on the cooking process.

Once the split peas have softened, add salt and any acidic components to enhance the flavor.

Why Won’t Split Peas Become Soft After Cooking?

Split peas are a nutritious and delicious ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes.

However, they can sometimes be difficult to cook properly. In this section, we will explore some of the reasons why split peas may not become soft after cooking.

Aged Split Peas

One reason why split peas may not become soft after cooking is that they are too old.

Split peas have a shelf life, and if they are past their “best use” date, they may not soften properly.

As split peas age, they become harder and more difficult to cook.

If you are using split peas that are past their expiration date, you may need to cook them for longer or use a pressure cooker to soften them.

Hard Water

Another reason why split peas may not become soft is the type of water you are using.

Hard water, which contains minerals such as calcium, can prevent split peas from softening properly.

If you live in an area with hard water, you may need to use a water softener or bottled water to cook your split peas.

High Altitude

If you live in a high-altitude area, you may have difficulty cooking split peas.

This is because the boiling point of water is lower at high altitudes, which can make it difficult to cook split peas properly.

If you live in a high-altitude area, you may need to adjust your cooking time or use a pressure cooker to soften your split peas.

Salt And Salty Undertones

Salt can also prevent split peas from softening properly.

When you cook split peas with salted stock or salted water, the salt can interfere with the process of osmosis, which prevents the water from being absorbed properly.

If you are using ham bone or chicken stock to cook your split peas, be aware that these may contain residual salt.

To avoid this issue, you may need to use unsalted stock or water to cook your split peas.

Acidic Components

Acidic ingredients such as tomato sauce, onion, lemon juice, and vinegar can prevent split peas from softening properly. These ingredients have acidic components that can interfere with the cooking process.

If you are using these ingredients in your split pea dish, you may need to adjust the cooking time or use a pressure cooker to soften your split peas.

6 Easy Methods to Soften Split Peas

Let’s dive into some of the best techniques to soften split peas.

Method 1: Buy Fresh Split Peas

The first step to making sure your split peas turn out soft is to buy fresh ones. Avoid buying split peas that have been sitting on the shelf for a long time.

Look for a store that has a high turnover rate or head to the farmers’ market for fresh split peas.

Method 2: Utilize Pressure Cooker

If you’re a fan of using crock pots to cook split peas, you might want to try using a pressure cooker instead.

It can be a great option, especially if you live in a high altitude area.

However, be sure to follow the instructions of your pressure cooker brand to avoid any kitchen disasters.

We recommend checking out some of the best pressure cookers available in the market for excellent results.

Product 1
Product 2

Method 3: Cook With Baking Soda

Another trick to soften split peas is to add a pinch of baking soda to the cooking water. The baking soda will tenderize the split peas, reducing the cooking time.

However, be careful not to use too much baking soda, as it can decrease the concentration of Vitamin C and affect the taste.

Method 4: Use Bottled Water

If your area has hard water, using bottled water can be a lifesaver. Opt for filtered water and try boiling it beforehand to make a difference in the texture of your split peas.

Method 5: Add Salt and Acidic Components Later

Salt and acidic components can inhibit the cooking process of split peas. So, use unsalted water when cooking split peas and avoid adding salt when sautéing them.

Add salt and acidic ingredients in the last stage, once the split peas are soft.

Method 6: Try Food Processor

After cooking the split peas, transfer them to a food processor or blender and puree them.

Cook the puree for up to an hour, and you’ll end up with soft and smooth split peas.

Some Tips to Follow

Tip 1: Don’t Buy In Bulk

We recommend avoiding buying split peas in bulk, especially if you have a small family. This is because split peas tend to get old and stale over time, and you may not end up using all of it.

Instead, buy only what you need for the immediate future to ensure freshness.

Tip 2: Soak Overnight

Soaking split peas before cooking them can help reduce their cooking time and improve their texture.

We suggest soaking them overnight for best results. If you don’t have time for an overnight soak, you can also soak them for a few hours before cooking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can We Consume Split Peas That Aren’t Fully Cooked?

Partially cooked split peas may not be harmful, but they can cause digestive discomfort. It is important to take into account how our body reacts to it. It is recommended to fully cook split peas to avoid any potential issues.

Is It True That Split Peas Can Cause Gas?

Yes, split peas can cause gas in the stomach, as can other types of dried legumes such as soya, lentils, and beans. However, soaking split peas before cooking and consuming them with other foods can help reduce the gas-producing effects.

Is It Possible to Overcook Our Split Peas?

It is not possible to overcook split peas, but they can burn if the water dries up. It is important to keep an eye on the water level and add more water when needed. Overcooking may result in mushy texture, so it is recommended to cook split peas until they are tender but still hold their shape.


We hope that our article on how to soften split peas has been helpful to you.

By providing various methods, we hope you have found the one that works best for you.

Remember to identify the reason why your split peas are crunchy to avoid future mishaps.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

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